Green jobs: Europe’s environmental and economic future
More than 20 million European jobs are already linked to the environment in some way – and as the EU gears up for a greener future that figure is only going to increase.
The EU is committed to growing the economy while protecting the earth and its precious resources. It has signed up to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and wants to see a 20% increase in the market share of renewable energy – the aim is to achieve these targets by 2020. Continua a leggere
Discariche: infrazione italiana, c’è anche la Sardegna
L’Unione Europea ha aperto una procedura di infrazione ai danni dell’Italia per discariche non conformi alla direttiva UE in materia. I siti sotto indagine sono almeno 102, tre dei quali ospitano rifiuti pericolosi.
Le discariche in questione sono distribuite in 14 regioni italiane tra cui la Sardegna. Continua a leggere