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“Spread the Fire” Training course on visibility of an European project

Are you active within the “Youth in Action” program? Do you organise or participate in amazing projects AND do you want to share that experience with as many people as possible? Do you want to get your project visible between the thousands of youth project organised in Europe? Are you curious what DEOR means and how you can use social media to spread the fire of your projects? Then you are the right person to participate in this training course and/or to send as an organisation participants to this training!!!

The aims of this training are: To give a practical meaning to Visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results. To share examples and experiences with each other. To discover how you can use social media to increase the visibility and DEOR-ability of your project. To be creative and discover new methods and tools to increase visibility and spread the results of a project. To make a practical DEOR activity in the training surrounding with real people. There will be 24 participants of YIA Program countries. Participants will have experience with youth in action projects. The language of the course will be English. For further information please contact (0039070666941).

Event: Spread the Fire

When: 31.05.2012 – 06.06.2012
Type: Training Course

City: A Guarda in Pontevedra
Country: Spain

Fonte: Associazione TDM2000
